This blog is primarily for freshers or newbies to provide awareness to those who are seeking to earn money part time at home.
There are many ways to earn money online.
If you are seeking online jobs similar to online data entry jobs, form filling jobs, convert image into text etc., there are lot of webistes available but very difficult to identify genuine website.
please do not prefer the website who is asking you to pay initially. Almost 90% are fraud and spam sites.
Initially I had spent thousands and thousands of bucks and finally understand about spam sites. Hence I wrote this blog for you to do not lose your money.
Here I am introducing you some simple online jobs at home where you can make money without spending single penny from your packet.
I gained these website knowledge based on my experience and long time research.
1. Clixsense (
Clixsense is a PTC website where you can earn money by clicking Ads everyday, taking survey, completing tasks and clixgrid.
2. Neobux (
Neobux is the website where you will get paid for every clicks. click the above link and register yourself in Neobux and startearning from Today.
3. Adsgrand (
Adsgrand is similar to Clixsense and Neobux and also it has some additional features to earn money like view Ads, Do microjobs, Read Emails, BuxBonus CrowdFlower and Read SMS Messages.
- Easiest earning is Viewing Ads by simply click the Ads and enter the Captcha to earn money.
- Do microjobs is a simple task which has their sponsors facebook link and we need to click the link and select likes to their facebook pages.
- Read Emails has meaning in their name itself. We will get paid by reading the mails.
Here we need to register with BUXMAIL ( to get buxmail email Address which will specifically used for Read Emails.
Example: - BuxBonus is a bonus which we will get paid everyday if we meet their daily checklist to earn bonus.
- CrowdFlower is a simple task given by Adsgrand and get paid for each items.
- Read SMS Messages is again has meaning in their name itself, get paid for reading SMS send by Adsgrant on the go.
4. Surveys Email (
Surveys Email is a genuine website where you will be rewarded when you read email, take surveys, complete offers or task and receive your rewards in cash or prizes.
You will get bonus of 3.00$ by clicking above link and sign up/register for free.
You will get paid by reading emails, taking surveys and complete cash offers.
5. Mega Typers (
Megatypers is a genuine website who really pay you for your time and dedication.
This job is about solving a captcha.You do have idea about “CAPTCHA”, you might have seen while registering to email account, social networks and any other form of online registration. Normally this process is about to identify the person who is registering is human or robot.
You are going to perform similar task in “MEGATYPERS” and make money every hour at your spare time. Approximately if you spend 4 hours daily you will earn around 200 – 250$ per month.
Register yourself in this website and you must use the below invitation code to complete your registration.
Invitation code: 9E5T
I will come up with some more websites in my next blog where you can earn easy money without spending...
Important things to remember:
1. Affiliate program:
These sites helps you to earn only small money at the initial stage. Be patience then you may earn huge money in these sites by sharing your referral links to your friends and social networks. You will earn more money for your referrals completed jobs. Nowadays I think it is not a toughest job to get friends and referrals, we can see the end to end world happenings sitting at one place. Social networks like facebook, twitter, whatsapp etc.. help us to grow more and more. So never give up at any time.
2. PayPal Account: (
Next you need a paypal account to receive your payment. Also link your bank account with PayPal account to withdraw funds received through PayPal account. You might heard about PayPal, this is a wide range of very big company and our bank details are 100% safe and secure. You can create the paypal account for free of cost and enjoy with your pleasant money for spending few hours daily whenever you are free.
If you have any question’s or doubt’s. Please post a comment over here, it will help us to grow to next level.
What’s Next?
Mobile recharge is very common for all. Every month 10 -20% of our money will spend only for mobile recharge. Let me come up with a solution for all our troubles.
how to do a free recharge or spending less money and gain more talktime?
This is going to be my next post. Keep visiting and cheer us!!!